Call for Creative Contributions : Locus Lancaster: Campus, Place and Experience
2024 is the 60th anniversary of the granting of the Royal Charter that set out the powers and purpose of Lancaster University.

On Saturday March 23rd 2024, in collaboration with the Modernist Society, Lancaster University will be hosting a public symposium about the art, architecture, planning and landscape of the New Universities.
Lancaster is one of a group of seven universities realised around the time of the publication of the Robbins Report on the expansion of Higher Education in Britain. The others are, Sussex, Essex, York, Kent, Warwick and East Anglia.
The School of Architecture at Lancaster is recently established and entering its fourth year of operation. The campus is a site of knowledge and a site of learning and its planning, architectural and landscape histories are being explored through our teaching.
We seek creative contributions that can add to a lively and engaging day celebrating the optimism and innovation embedded in the development of the New Universities in the 1960s. Ideally, contributions should have a focus on Lancaster University itself, or able to make comparisons between Lancaster and other campuses. These could take the form of artworks, proposals for walking tours, short talks, photographic studies, films, personal recollections, and more – as long as they relate to planning, architecture, art or landscape we are open to your suggestions. *
Already in the programme is a pop-up exhibition of selected modernist works from the permanent collection of Lancaster Arts.
Please send ideas with a title and c.300 word description of what you would like to do to before 22nd December 2023, using the subject ‘Locus Lancaster’.
*The School of Architecture have a small budget set aside and hope to be able to cover expenses for those whose contributions are accepted.