Modernist Swansea/Abertawe Fodernaidd

by Catrin James

An introduction to Swansea Modernism

Cyflwyniad i adeiladau Fodernaidd Abertawe

Growing up in 1980s & 90s Swansea, Catrin found beauty in the post war municipal and civic buildings of the town. Shop front fonts, graphic-coloured tiles, repetitious railings, clean lines, forgotten door handles, concrete flowerpots, mid-century clocks and colourful Formica tables. These details were observed at a young age on the bus into town as she frequented the many cafes and milk bars with her mother for egg and chips on a Saturday.

Naeth Catrin tyfu i fyny yn Abertawe’r 1980au a 90gau, a ddaeth i hyd i harddwch yr adeiladau dinesig y dref. Ffontiau y siopau, teils lliwgar graffig, rheiliau ailadroddus, llinellau clir, dolenni drysiau anghofiedig, potiau blodau concrit, clociau mawr a bwrddau Formica. Gwelwyd y manylion yma i gyd ar y bws i’r dref wrth iddi fynd i’r cafis niferis gydai’i fam i gael bwyd ar Ddydd Sadwrn.

In this volume Catrin gives us an introduction to Swansea Modernism / Cyflwyniad i adeiladau Fodernaidd Abertawe.

Launched at Galerie Simpson Artists 217 High Street Swansea on 2nd of march 2023.

 Words and pictures by / Lluniau a testun gan

Catrin James @swanseamodernist

Design and layout / Dylunio gan

Lisa Brown @lisa_in_leeds

Softcover, 56 pages,

Colour and B+W