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Kyoto To Tokyo : Bullet Train views
Kyoto to Tokyo : Bullet Train Views
In 2018, whilst on his honeymoon, Steven Rittey fulfilled a lifelong ambition to travel on the Shinkasen 'bullet train' - making the journey from Kyoto to Tokyo.
Once leaving Kyoto he placed his camera up against the window of the train and throughout the journey took a series of random but uniformly composed photographs.
In doing so he captured the huge contrasts of the Japanese landscape and we see tantalising glimpses of towns, cities, infrastructure and liminal spaces.
Set in chronological order the photographs offer us a chance to relive the high speed journey between Kyoto and Tokyo.
48 pages 300gsm cover / 180 gsm inners
A5 Landscape
£10 plus p&p
£10 plus p&p