the modernist x BDP present - The BDP Talk Series. 2.6 - Alison Harley on Bernat Klein
Thursday 21st March 2024
6.15PM FOR A 6.30PM START BDP, 11 Ducie St, Manchester M1 2JB
Bernat Klein - his life and work
with Alison Harley
Serbian born designer Bernat Klein (1922–2014) emigrated to the UK in the post-war period and based his textile manufacturing business in the Scottish Borders (1951–1992). He sold couture fabrics to leading couturiers such as Chanel and Dior, gained recognition in Scandinavia and North America, and realised two important modernist buildings with architect Peter Womersley - his own home High Sunderland and the Bernat Klein Studio.
Alison Harley has worked in senior roles in art and design higher education in Scotland and internationally. In 2012 she interviewed Bernat Klein about his work as a designer, artist and industrialist, at his home High Sunderland. Since 2016 Alison has worked as an independent researcher and practitioner developing her particular interest in Bernat Klein, which has been shared through publication and exhibition. Alison is a Founding Trustee and Chair of the Bernat Klein Foundation.
**NB we do not send out tickets for these events - your name will be added to an attendee list**