Plein-air drawing session with Mandy Payne
An opportunity to spend a few hours sketching architecture around Sheffield University’s iconic Arts Tower with guidance from the workshop host - Mandy Payne.
Time & Dates: 19th and 22nd of July (10am -1pm)
Meet outside the Main Entrance of the Students’ Union, The University of Sheffield
As an artist Mandy’s work is concerned with urban landscape and issues of gentrification. She has a special interest in Brutalist architecture.
This workshop is for anyone interested in modernist architecture, culture and urban buildings. All levels of experience are welcome, from complete beginners to those who have had more drawing experience.
Please bring whatever you normally like to sketch with but would suggest:
- 1) Paper / Sketch pad / (Board to rest on if not using sketch pad)
- 2) Clips / Masking tape for paper or board
- 3) Selection of pencils / charcoal / drawing pens/ink / coloured pencils / small portable watercolours if want to use paint
- 4)Eraser (ideally a putty rubber)
- 5) Something to sit on (Bin bag/ portable seat pad)
In case of a sudden change of weather, please bring:
- Waterproofs - if it rains
- Sun Cream - if it is a sunny day
- Water.
Booking and Fee Information:
There are 12 free places available per session, although a voluntary donation to the Modernist Society would be much appreciated.
Many thanks to TAP at The University of Sheffield for funding these workshops