the modernist x BDP present - The BDP Talk Series. 3.1 - Nick Job and Richard Price - Arrows of Desire and National Bus Manual
Thursday 10th October
6.15PM FOR A 6.30PM START BDP, 11 Ducie St, Manchester M1 2JB
Back to BDP for a third season and we kick off with a transport / graphic design extravaganza to coincide with the release of our latest book - Arrows of Desire.
We start the night with Richard Price who will be talking about the work of Manchester based graphic designer Norman Wilson who was famous for, amongst many other things, The National Bus Corporate Identity Manual. Richard is working towards re-issuing this wonderful piece of work.
Richard will be followed by NIck Job, author of Arrows of Desire, who will be taking us, in great detail we are sure, about the rise and fall (and possible resurrection?) of the iconic double arrow British Rail logo.
This is a night for fans of graphic design and / or transport.
NICK JOB is an independent designer, based in Macclesfield, UK. He has a degree in graphic design from Nottingham Trent University. After a decade as in-house brand designer for a global logistics provider, he launched his own design business, realising a long-held ambition to produce type. He has since released retail typefaces with Monotype, Fontsmith and Rosetta. Nick, a self-confessed anorak, is the author of, the British Rail Corporate Identity website.
RICHARD PRICE is an economist who's worked on climate change, transport, trade, crime and justice. He also researches modern design and is running a project with The Bus Archive to reissue Norman Wilson's NBC corporate identity manual -