You would expect that a group based in Manchester, interested in modernist buildings, would have a pocket guide to its best modernist buildings wouldn't you?
Well up until now, much to our chagrin, we didn't have one. It seems like an obvious thing for us to do and yet we had never made one. That is until now!
We present the first in a series of Architectural City Guides - Sheffield and Birmingham are planned for later this year.
Manchester is our home town so we are starting here. There are 41 sites to visit, each with a short description, photograph and factual information. We have included a handy map if you are not familiar with the city.
Spanning 100 years of architecture this is perfect for those who want to get to know the Modern architectural heritage of Manchester - be you a visitor from afar, or a local who wants to refamiliarise yourself with the city.
Perfectly sized - small enough to fit in your anorak pocket but bigger than your mobile phone screen.
Compiled and edited: Jack Hale and Eddy Rhead
Text and original photographs: Eddy Rhead
Design: Bradley Young
Softcover, 86 pages with fold out map
Perfect bound
210mm x 99mm